Improve Your Physical Performance and Feel Re-energized.
Cryotherapy is a non-medical, non-invasive alternative for individuals seeking faster recovery and improved overall health.

- Reduced inflammation, pain, and spasms
- Boosted metabolism, burning up to 800 calories
- Increased energy, elevated mood, and improved sleep
- Accelerated production of collagen
- Improved skin elasticity, tone, and texture
- Reduced appearance of cellulite
- Treatment of inflammatory disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and multiple sclerosis
- Reduces fine lines, wrinkles, and crows feet
- Tightens Skin
- Reduces Acne
Find Your Perfect Plan
Use on Cryotherapy, Red Light Therapy, Teeth Whitening, Spray Tanning, or UV Tanning
One-time $20 activation fee. Cancel anytime after 15 days.
Use on Cryotherapy, Red Light Therapy, Teeth Whitening, Spray Tanning, or UV Tanning
One-time $20 activation fee. Cancel anytime after 15 days.
Use on Cryotherapy, Red Light Therapy, Teeth Whitening, Spray Tanning, or UV Tanning
One-time $20 activation fee. Cancel anytime after 15 days.
Cryotherapy FAQs
What can I wear during my session?
Remain in your underwear, jogging, or compression shorts. Women may also wear a bra, sports bra, or bikini top. You will be provided with gloves, socks, boots, and a robe for your session.
How long does cryotherapy take?
Whole-body cryotherapy sessions last no longer than three minutes. This provides the optimal level of exposure and a comfortable transition from room to subzero temperatures.
What does it feel like?
A cryotherapy session feels like standing next to a freezer while nude. The temporary dry chill penetrates the outer layer of the skin. You will experience an even, cooling sensation over the entire body. The last 30 seconds of the treatment feel the coldest. Once out of the chamber, the body immediately reheats.
How soon can I expect to feel the benefits?
Many people feel great after the first treatment because of the release of endorphins. You may feel immediate relief from joint and muscle pain, improved energy, and increased flexibility.
How often should I receive cryotherapy treatments?
No sooner than four hours and no longer than 48 hours for athletes during training and competition. Many clients prefer one or two sessions per week for maintenance.
Will I need to shower after my treatment?
No, you will not need to shower. Your skin remains dry throughout the entire treatment.
What if I have claustrophobia?
You’re welcome to experience whole-body cryotherapy treatments. We offer two types of cryosauna chambers. You may feel more comfortable with one over the other.
- When using Impact Cryosauna, your head remains outside the chamber. You can exit the chamber at any time.
- The °CRYO Arctic™ uses a fully enclosed chamber. Your entire body remains inside the chamber. The door features a large window and is never locked. You can step out of the chamber at any time.
I have a health condition. Can I still experience cryotherapy?
When in doubt, it’s always best to consult your physician before a cryotherapy session. Cryotherapy is an excellent treatment for inflammatory disorders, but it’s not suitable for everyone. For your health and safety, we recommend avoiding cryotherapy if you have the following conditions:
- Pregnancy
- Untreated hypertension
- Cold intolerance and cold urticaria
- Recent heart attack
- Unstable angina pectoris
- Arrhythmia Angina
- Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
- Circulatory dysfunction
- Pacemaker
- Cold-activated asthma
- Uncontrolled seizures
- Raynaud’s Syndrome
Is nitrogen vapor safe?
The vapor is composed of the same nitrogen in the air we breathe, so its cooling effects are safe for the skin. Because of our innovative chamber designs, you will never breathe the nitrogen vapor during the treatment.